How are you planning to purchase Charlotte NC real estate?
Below is the Charlotte home buyer financing data for the most recent 90-day period ending 5/20/2012:
Compare the above current data to that from the same 90-day period in 2007 below:
If you are a Charlotte home buyer who is considering financing, be aware that you just may very well be competing with a cash Offer. Therefore, it is in your best interest to not only obtain lending pre-APPROVAL but, put your best foot forward when you do make an Offer (we can no longer recommend low ball Offers). Be sure to include your pre-approval letter from a reputable lender. That makes a world of difference to sellers when they are considering multiple Offers.
If you are ready to find the perfect Charlotte neighborhood and home for sale, contact a Charlotte real estate agent. I’d love the opportunity to help. Phone me today at (704) 491-3310, or email me at to schedule an appointment.