We Take Our Role as Our Clients’ Trusted Real Estate Advisor Seriously!
With the downturn in the market, we don’t hear as much about trust in our industry as we used to. The market has made a big turn in the push for ethics but, on occasion, we find that we’re still faced with some lack thereof.
I have had two buyers recently who have sold their homes with me and then set out to purchase new ones. These buyers, who have made offers to purchase–good, solid offers (no low-balls–I promise!), have then been turned over directly to the sellers by the listing agent. Both agents are from firms who offer full service representation and document in our MLS that their sellers’ listings, to which my clients made offers, ARE full service.
The most recent occurrence was this weekend–I phoned the listing agent to determine his seller’s motivation prior to submitting my clients’ Offer to Purchase. Even though she did not return my call, my clients decided to proceed with making the Offer in the hopes that the Offer would get the listing agent’s attention. Following submission of the Offer, I followed up with another phone call, letting the listing agent know that the offer had been scanned an was sent to her email address @_____–simply to double-check that the MLS email address was correct and to touch base with her once again. I also alerted her that my clients had placed the Offer with a deadline for a response as they want to move-on and simply don’t want to dilly-dally around.
About 2 hours later, I received a call from the Seller stating this his agent was not available today to negotiate the Offer and that I could deal directly with him! He knew that we were going to submit the Offer but, did not know what the specifics of that Offer were and wanted ME to email HIM (the SELLER) the Offer.
Another attempt to reach the listing agent and her broker, leaving messages with both, stating that I had received this call from the Seller. Still nothing. So, we sent the Offer to the Seller and began our negotiations. I was able to get a fantastic deal for my buyers by dealing directly with the Sellers themselves!
By the time that we were ready to sign on the dotted line, the listing agent stepped in. “Sorry but, I have another job and just didn’t have time to negotiate this weekend! I appreciate you handling it for me!”
Being represented by a REAL, full-service, AVAILABLE agent, means that Sellers fare much better in the negotiating process. My buyers got a fantastic deal and she’s thanking ME?! We certainly don’t leave our home sellers out to dry! We offer FULL service and we GIVE it!
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